Command and Conquer Level Level Name: Commando Threat Created By: Al Paterson ( Release Date: 24th February, 1996 Completion Time: Quite long Map information: Medium (48x60), winter theatre. Player: GDI Difficulty: Hard Filename: Commando.ZIP File contents: Commando.INI,,MISSION.INI,SAVEGAME.090,Commando.TXT Hardware used: Pentium 100Mhz Software used: CCMAP 2.1, programmed by Richard Heesbeen and Jeroen Ritmeijer Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19 (English version). ** Important: This can get a bit slow, so I don't advise using it on a low-end PC. Level replacement ----------------- This file is meant to replace the last GDI 'B' mission. It works when used with all missions, but has been designed specifically for this mission. Mission Description ------------------- Kane has developed a training camp for his elite commmandos. This camp must be destroyed to stop this deadly weapon from ever being used. Because we need to do this fast, we have only been able to provide you with a smattering of units to fend off the initial assaults. Reinforcements will arrive later. Goodluck. Level Description ----------------- Kane has set up a deadly commando camp that he has surrounded with his best soldiers. He has chosen this site to place his temple. All Enemy buildings, and units including the temple, and the commandos must be destroyed. Level Tips (only read if you're having problems) ------------------------------------------------ -Don't worry when your construction yard gets bombed, a replacement is on it's way. -Beware, there are a few small bases instead of one big one. -Don't expect to kill their harvester without a response. -Your drop zone for reinforcements is below and to the left of your base. -Try and keep your commandos alive for as long as possible. You need them. -Try not to block off the entrance to your base because then the level gets very slow. Usage ----- For those who don't want to bother messing around editing files, a savegame has been supplied that was taken the instant the level started. Simply copy this file (SAVEGAME.090) into your Command and Conquer directory (rename it if you don't want to lose one of your savegames). Then simply load that file when you start. You will not be able to restart the mission if you do this, you will have to re-load it if you need to try again. If you choose this method, you can ignore the next part. However, to get the full extent of the stuff , you can copy the rest of the files to the directory (MISSION.INI, commando.INI, are the vital ones). Use mixman to overwrite the old level 15B. To run it, load a previously saved mission in the 15B level of GDI, or the saved game included. Then abort, and restart the mission. To edit/view the level using CCMAP, you simply copy commando.ini, and to the ccmap directory, and type: ccmap commando Thanks to all the people who wrote the stuff I used. Finally, I hope you like this mission. Al Paterson ( England